Kevin spent most of his career in a leadership role as a supervisor with the police department and president of both the Virginia and Chesterfield Fraternal Orders of Police. He began his membership with the FOP in 1989, but it was after the death of a fellow officer that he began his leadership in the organization. Craig Rath was killed in the line of duty in Chesterfield County on May 27, 1999. Kevin was appointed by the Chief of Police to escort Craig’s widow and his family to the National Memorial Service in May 2000 in Washington, D.C. By 2002, he was President of the Chesterfield lodge. As Legislative Chairman and President of The Virginia FOP, Kevin worked with members of the Virginia General Assembly, Virginia’s U.S. Congressional Delegation, and several Governors on legislative and budgetary matters that impacted the entire Commonwealth of Virginia. Kevin was also regularly sought after as an issue expert on current public safety issues by local and state media outlets.

Kevin and his wife, Leanne, live on Nash Road and he has two stepchildren, Lauren and Gabe. In his spare time, he plays golf, hunts, and enjoys automotive mechanics and boating.