In 2016, Chesterfield Sheriff, Karl Leonard, recognized the growing heroin epidemic in the county.  He saw that current strategies and methods were inadequate to address the problem of crime associated with addiction and undertook a new approach by treating not just the symptoms, but the underlying cause of crime, addiction.

Since 2016, the HARP program in the Chesterfield County Jail has become nationally recognized as one of the most effective, impactful programs in the correctional system.  Literally, thousands of lives have been changed for the better through the efforts of Sheriff Leonard and his dedicated staff.

In 2022, Sheriff Leonard and others recognized the need for expanding and continuing the benefits of HARP after release.  So, in 2022, a non-profit corporation was formed, HARP RVA, Inc., to continue the work done in the jail by providing ongoing services to recent HARP graduates.

Using many of the lessons learned in the jail program, HARP RVA employs a multi-faceted approach to recovery, utilizing models from McShin and other recovery programs, peer to peer counseling, spiritual growth, Narcotics Anonymous, and community involvement.  Always keeping an eye open for new and better ways to assist those in need.  HARP RVA seeks to continue the legacy of the original programs implemented in the Chesterfield County Jail and apply them to the community at large.